Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Band Social Feb. 21 and Redlands March

This semester's Band Social will take place after the rehearsal next Tuesday, from 5:00 to approx. 8:30 pm.  Organized by the Band Executive, this social time will give us all a chance to welcome new band members and get to know each other better.  Pizza will be served for dinner, and we'll watch the movie August Rush, all for $4.00.
image by rob_rob2001, from Flickr

I couldn't find any videos for the piece Redlands March.  But here is a link to the publisher's page, with an audio version played by pro's.

The composer is Steve Hodges.  He has written more than 100 pieces for concert bands and his music has been used for programming on TBS and ESPN.  He is a public school music director.

The publisher describes Redlands March:
A dynamic introduction leads to a stirring trumpet duet that opens this regal march by Steve Hodges. Everyone is involved in the melodic content throughout the piece and they will enjoy the unique treatment of the standard march trio and 'dogfight' sections.
Dogfight?  Trio?  Time to consult Wikipedia.  The entry for March (music) explains:
Marches frequently have a penultimate dogfight strain in which two groups of instruments (high/low, woodwind/brass, etc.) alternate in a statement/response format. In most traditional American marches, there are three strains. The third strain is referred to as the "trio".

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