Friday, May 4, 2012

Happy Tuba Day!

Tuba Flames
Image by zoonabar, from Flickr

Yes, today is International Tuba Day, celebrated on the first Friday in May.  I like to think of it as Take a Tuba Player Out for Lunch Day, but you can adapt this to fit the tuba players in your life.  If your household does not have a resident tuba player, you can always appreciate good tuba playing live or online.

Here's the musician I am appreciating today.  His name is Alfredo Herrejon. His tuba playing on this recording by the Mexican group Banda Los Tierra Blanca in 1997 has been very influential for Mexican banda players.  I don't know if flames shoot from his tuba when he plays, but I bet his lips feel pretty fiery.  I hope you enjoy it.

Email readers, please click through to the blog, or try this link to the video on YouTube

tuba line
Aren't they beautiful?
Image by tango.mceffrie, from Flickr

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