Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Latest Band News


  1. An Extra Rehearsal will be held on Saturday, November 30, from 9 to 11:30 am. 
  2. The Christmas Concert is on Wednesday, December 4. Tentative call time is 6:30 pm.
  3. Concert attire includes a vest, supplied by the band. To make sure your vest fits properly, please come to the music room to be sized. If you're new to the band this year, your sizing date is Wed., Nov. 20 at lunchtime. Returning band members who want a better-fitting vest than they had last year, your sizing date is Thu., Nov. 21, at lunchtime.
  4. The date of the Elementary School Performance Tour is Wednesday, December 18, all day. This day includes lots of playing time, some short bus rides, a moderate amount of equipment-moving, the happy faces of elementary school-children, and lunch at McDonalds. Permission forms will be available soon.
  5. Here's what you should be practicing over the next week:
  • Legacy March
  • The Harmonious Blacksmith
  • March Saranac
  • Holiday Bobsled Ride
  • Tidings of Comfort and Joy
  • Christmas Swing
  • Holiday Singalong

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