Monday, November 28, 2011

Band-a-thon in review

Band-a-thon was a great success!  Thank you to the band executive, and to Mr. McIlwain for organizing the day.

Thank you to everyone who donated to the fundraising effort.  Top fundraiser was Michael T., followed by Trenton, and Mina.

Winner of Best Pajamas was Kiersten.  And Band-a-thon Superstar was Connor McL.

The slideshow up top contains a sample of the cookies that were decorated (email readers may have to click through to the blog to see the slideshow).  Sorry to say, I missed photographing a few.  After much deliberation, certificates were awarded to Shawn, for the Coolest Cookie,

to Mina, for the Messiest Cookie,

and to Ada, for the Best Cookie.  

This was one of those rare contests in which every participant was a winner, though, because we each got to eat our entry.  Some much needed sugar, at a low energy point in the day.

Speaking of food, we'd like to express our thanks to two groups:  first, to Kathryn for sharing her delicious birthday carrot cake with us all.  And second, to James and his support team of Julie and Steve Wood and Margie Morey, for the wonderful multi-course dinner, with customized menus, big fat sandwiches, hot soup and fruit on a skewer.  Yummy.

In all the excitement, we neglected to follow up on our crossword puzzle contest.  As of last Friday, we had no entrants whatsoever.  Now, it's entirely possible that the only people reading this blog are Russian web-crawling bots.  This would explain the lack of entries, as these bots don't do crosswords, and they aren't interested in Dairy Queen-related prizes.  So, if even one band member/non-bot was out there with a completed crossword, their odds of winning the contest would be pretty good.  Just saying.  Contest deadline extended until next week, or so.

It would be great to hear from everyone about what parts of Band-a-thon you most enjoyed.  Leave a comment down below.  Some highlights for me:  watching the relay and blindfold races; meeting a fellow tuba player; Patrick's dance moves; and surviving The Curse of Josh Groban at hour 11.75. 

Thank you to everyone for a most enjoyable day!

1 comment:

  1. Julie the trumpet ladyNovember 30, 2011 at 5:24 PM

    Josh Groban was indeed a curse. I had to dig deep for some of those high notes! It came to my attention very late (in fact, several hours after getting home and applying copious amounts of lip balm to my burning chops) that some people had to go without sandwiches. Please accept my apologies as the Menu-Selection-Distributor if you were one of these poor souls. Lesson learned: I'll cross reference with the attendance sheet next time.


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