Thursday, November 10, 2011

Band-a-thon on November 25

photo by Jennanana, from Flickr
Band-a-thon paperwork went home at last week's practice.  It is also available here to download or print.   Click on this link.

Some points to remember (all detailed in the paperwork):
  • Band-a-thon runs from 9 am to 9 pm.  If you can't be present for the entire 12 hours, please let Mr. McIlwain know via a note from your parent/guardian, by Tuesday, Nov. 15.
  • Lunch will not be provided.  Supper will be provided.
  • Please return your signed permission form to Mr. McIlwain asap.
  • Bring in your pledge forms and all monies on Band-a-thon day.
  • Parents are invited to our final rehearsal, starting at 8 pm.  Following the rehearsal and clean-up, students will be able to leave with their parent(s) shortly after 9 pm.
If you have any questions, please email douglas.mcilwain at (insert an @ for the "at").

Trombone Drawing
image by daydreamer1203, from Flickr

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