Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Looking forward

photo by blmurch, from Flickr
  • Next week the dress rehearsal on Tuesday, Dec.6 will be held in the cafetorium.  From 3:15 to 4:00 pm, it will be a mass band rehearsal with the concert band and music classes.  From 4:00 to 5:00 pm, it will be the concert band rehearsal.
  • The Christmas concert will be on Thursday, Dec. 8 at 7 pm.  Tickets are $5 (children 5 and under are free).  Tickets available from any band member.  Concert dress for the band (white shirt, black pants, socks and shoes).
  • Some of the funds raised at Band-a-thon will go to subsidize (for those students who participated in fundraising) the band trip on May 11, 2012 to Toronto to see the musical West Side Story and dine at the Mandarin.  Mr. McIlwain will be ordering the tickets very soon, and asks all band members who plan to attend to bring in $25 by Friday Dec. 16 to reserve a ticket.  A letter went home about this on Nov. 29 (here it is in pdf form).
  • On Thursday, Dec. 22, the band will goes on a one-day tour to perform for local elementary schools.  This is a busy day with lots of playing, and moving of equipment.  We'll stop at McDonald's for lunch.
  • Here's a link to the version of Coventry Carol we are playing (arranged by Mark Williams, as was The Santa of Seville) on the publisher's website. Give this mournful carol a listen.  If you want to understand why the song is so sad, check out the Wikipedia entry on the carol.

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