Thursday, November 17, 2011

Rehearsal notes from November 15

vegan blueberry cheesecake
photo by foonus, from Flickr

  • permission forms are due to Mr. McIlwain by next Tuesday, Nov. 22
Dinner and theater trip scheduled for May 11, 2012
  • part of Band-a-thon proceeds will go to subsidize this trip to see West Side Story
  • Mr. McIlwain will be asking for a commitment to attend before he orders the tickets, so check your calendars
Band tour of local elementary schools on Thursday, Dec. 22
  • a day long performing tour!
Crossword puzzle contest
  • check out this blog post for the puzzle pages, and read the blog carefully for the answers
  • bring your completed puzzle along on Band-a-thon day, and enter to win a prize

The Trouble with Triples
  • after our exercise clapping out  triples and duples, Cameron told us the magic words he uses for keeping the rhythms straight:  Blueberry Cheesecake.  Both delicious, and rhythmic!  Try some today...

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